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1. Objects of Act. —The objects of this Act are—
(a) to provide for the registration of educators
2. Application of Act. —This Act applies to all educators, lecturers and management staff of colleges appointed—
(a) in terms of the Employment of Educators Act, 1998 (Act No. 76 of 1998);
(b) in terms of the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996);
(c) in terms of the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Act No. 16 of 2006);
(d) in terms of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation 103 of 1994);
(e) at an independent school; or
(f) at an Adult Learning Centre Act No. 31 of 2007.]
21. Compulsory registration of educators. —
(1) A person who qualifies for registration in terms of this Act must register with the council prior to being appointed as an educator.
(2) No person may be employed as an educator by any employer unless the person is registered with the council.
2.2. Application for registration. — (1)
(a) An application for registration must be made to the council in the manner and form determined by the council.
(b) The applicant must submit the documentation and information required by the council together with the registration fee referred to in section 5 (d) (i).
(3) The council must consider an application for registration in terms of the requirements for registration determined by the council.
(4) If an applicant for registration satisfies the requirements referred to in subsection (1), the council must register the applicant and issue a registration certificate to the educator.
(5) If an applicant does not satisfy all the requirements, but the council is of the opinion that the requirements will be satisfied within a reasonable time, the council may register the applicant provisionally on such conditions as the council may determine.
(5) When an educator who is provisionally registered as contemplated in subsection (4) satisfies all the requirements for registration and the conditions referred to in that subsection, the council must register the educator in accordance with subsection (3).
(6) If an educator referred to in subsection (4) does not satisfy the requirements for registration within the period specified, the provisional registration lapses and the name of the person is removed from the register.
(7) The period for which an educator is provisionally registered may be extended by the council, and different conditions in respect of different applicants may be determined if there is a reasonable basis for the differentiation.
(8) Different categories of registration may be determined by the council—
(a) to allow for special circumstances of different sectors in education; or
(b) if there is a reasonable basis for such differentiation.
In future, the Issued SACE certificate will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges) or National Senior Certificate (NSC) or National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 or Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. An original certified copy* of the professional* qualification (graduation certificate).
5. An original certified copy* of a complete academic record* (transcript) indicating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion.
6. If studied for Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) qualification an initial qualification and a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and date of completion must be attached.
7. In a situation where a qualification has been lost, an original certified copy* of a declaration from the Higher Education Institution (HEI) where the qualification was obtained or from the Department of Education is required. The declaration must indicate that the qualification was completed and a certificate was issued. This document must be on the HEIs’/ DBE/PED letterhead, dated, stamped and signed.
8. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
In future, the Issued SACE letter will indicate intended qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges) or National Senior Certificate (NSC) or National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 or Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable.
5. An original certified copy* of current proof of registration* from a Higher Education Institution (HEI) indicating the enrolled Initial Teacher Education programme and a certified copy* of the academic record* (post 1st years of study).
6. NB: A current letter from a prospective employer is required from all students not in their final year of study who are employed at the school. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
7. If studying towards a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) qualification, the following additional documents must accompany the application :
• An original certified copy* of current proof of registration from a Higher Education Institution for Post Graduate Certificate In Education (PGCE) and an original certified copy* of academic record* (post 1st year of study), AND
• an original certified copy* of the initial qualification(s) together with an original certified copy* of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion.
Professionally qualified educators
In future, the Issued SACE letter will indicate intended qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges) or National Senior Certificate (NSC) or National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 or Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
• or equivalent thereof as evaluated by Evaluation from South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
3. An original certified copy* of the SAQA certificate of evaluation for all qualifications obtained outside South Africa irrespective of the year.
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. An original certified copy* of a valid passport and a valid work permit or Permanent Residence Permit OR Refugee permit together with a Refugee ID from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). The conditions of the work permit must allow the permit holder to teach in South Africa.
NB: A permit must be valid for six months or more at the time of submission.
6. An original certified copy* of Initial Teacher Education* (ITE) qualification and academic qualification and an original certified copy* of a complete academic record from a Higher Education Institution (HEI) indicating that the qualification has been completed and the year of completion as submitted to SAQA
7. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer in a South African school. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
NB: All documents submitted for registration will be subjected to verification and registration will not be done on the spot.
In future, the Issued SACE letter will indicate intended qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges) or National Senior Certificate (NSC) or National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 or Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of the SAQA certificate of Evaluation from South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) for all qualifications obtained outside South Africa irrespective of the year.
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible
5. An original certified copy* of a valid passport and a valid study permit (for students studying towards an initial teacher qualification or PGCE only) Permanent Residence Permit OR a Refugee Permit together with a Refugee ID from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).
NB: A permit must be valid for six months or more at the time of submission.
6. An original certified copy* of current proof of registration from a Higher Education Institution (HEI) for an Education qualification (360 credits Teachers Diploma or 480 credits teachers Degree) together with an academic recording if post 1st year of study. A current letter from a prospective employer is required from all students not in their final year of study. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
7. If studying towards a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) qualification, the following additional documents must accompany the application form:
• An original certified copy* of current proof of registration from a Higher Education Institution for Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) and an original certified copy* of academic record* (post 1st year of study) AND
• An originally certified copy of the Initial qualification together with a complete academic record stating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion.
NB: All documents submitted for registration will be subjected to verification and registration will not be done on the spot.
Community Education and Training Centers (CETC’s) Practitioners --- ABET & AET
In future, the Issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges) or National Senior Certificate (NSC) or National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 or Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. An original certified copy* OF HIGHER CERTIFICATE IN ADULT AND EDUCATION TRAINING (AET) 120 CREDITS together with a certified copy* of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion, OR
6. An original certified copy* of HIGHER DIPLOMA IN ADULT EDUCATION AND TRAINING 240 CREDITS together with a certified copy* of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and the year of completion.
In the future, Issued SACE TVET Certificate will indicate qualification, Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT), Conversational Competence and Subject Specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014) or
3. An original certified copy* of N3 certificate plus Trade Test (completed before 1991)
• (Phased out in 1991 and replaced by the National Teachers Diploma: Technical which was phased out by 1994).
• National Teachers Diploma: Hairdressing- Phased out in 1991
• National Higher Diploma: Post -School Education which was offered until 1995 and then replaced with the Bachelor of Technology: Education.
4. Advanced Certificate in Technical and Vocational Education and Training 120 credits
5. An original certified copy* of a National Diploma in Technical and Vocational Teaching* (N4-N6 certificates are required).
6. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
7. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
8. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer in a TVET sector. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
9. If studying towards a TVET NQF level 7 Diploma, the following additional documents must accompany the application form:
• An original certified copy* of current registration from a Higher Education Institution (HEI) indicating the enrolled Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme:
• Advanced Diploma in Technical and Vocational Teaching (120 Credits)
• Advanced Diploma in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (120 Credits) An original certified copy* of the initial qualification together with an original certified copy* of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion.
In the future, the issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. An original certified copy of a Montessori qualification certificate
6. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer indicating the phase and subjects to be taught. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
In the future, the issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. An original certified copy* of a Waldorf * Qualifications certificate together with a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has being completed.
6. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer indicating the phase and subjects to be taught. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
In the future, the issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. Original certified copy* of Islamic* Qualifications certificate recognised for registration with the Council.
6. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer indicating the phase and subjects to be taught. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
In the future, the issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. An original certified copy* of a completed Degree or Diploma (Certificate) in Theology* .
6. An original certified copy* of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion.
7. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer indication the phase and subjects to be taught. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
In the future, the issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. Original certified copy* Qualifications as a Therapist together with a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion.
6. An Originally certified current copy of proof of registration (registration Card only) with The Health Professional Council of South Africa (HPCSA).
7. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer indicating that you are practicing as a Therapist at a school. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
In the future, the issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. Original certified copy* a Music or Fine Arts diploma or degree qualification certificate (360 Credit Diploma or 480 Credit Degree) together with a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion.
6. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer indicating the phase and subject to be taught. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
In future, the Issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. An original certified copy* OF Early Childhood Development Certificate (ECD Level 4) 120 CREDITS together with a certified copy* of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion, OR
6. An original certified copy* of Early Childhood Development Certificate (ECD Level 5) 240 credits together with a certified copy* of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and the year of completion.
In future, the Issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. An original certified copy* a relevant Diploma OR a relevant Degree (qualification Certificate) in the area of specialisation, AND
6. An original certified copy* of a complete academic record indication that the qualification has been completed and year of completion.
7. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer in a school indicating the phase and subjects to be taught. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
A request for a SACE certificate to be reprinted must be accompanied by the following:
• A formal letter of request including personal details, SACE registration number and the postal address.
• A clearly certified copy of the green barcoded ID book smart card (both side of the card must be attached).
• Proof of change of surname if using a different surname from the one registered with.
• R50. 00 reprint fee.
• All copies must be certified
• Certification must be done by a Commissioner of Oaths,
• State that the copy is a true copy of the original,
• have a date stamp and not be older than three (3) months at the time of submission.
• Certification must be original (copy of certification will not be accepted)
A request for a letter of good and professional standing must be accompanied by the following:
• A formal letter of request including all personal details, reasons for the request SACE registration number and the forwarding address.
• A clearly certified copy of the green barcoded ID book smart card (both side of the card must be attached) OR Valid passport and permit.
• Certified copy of proof of change of surname if using a different surname from the one registered with.
• All copies must be certified
• Certification must be done by a Commissioner of Oaths,
• State that the copy is a true copy of the original,
• have a date stamp and not be older than three (3) months at the time of submission.
• Certification must be original (copy of certification will not be accepted)
• A copy of the SACE provisional letter
• A Copy* of a valid passport and a valid work permit or study permit, the conditions of the work permit must allow the permit holder to teach in South Africa.
• OR a Refugee permit together with a Refugee ID (expiry dates must correspond on both documents)
• OR a valid Passport together with a valid Permanent Residence Permit from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).
• NB: A permit must be valid for six months or more at the time of submission.
• A current letter of employment in a South African school.
• A South African Police Clearance Certificate from SAPS not older than six months at the time of submission.
• If still studying, a Copy of current proof of registration from a Higher Education Institution (HEI) indicating the enrolled Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme and academic year together with a copy* of academic record* (post 1st year of study). Proof of registration should state that you are currently enrolled for the academic year, be on the university letterhead, stamped and dated. Internet printouts will not be accepted.
• a Copy of the qualification certificate AND a copy* of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion is required before full registration and a SACE certificate can be issued.
• A copy of the SACE provisional letter
• Green barcoded ID book or both side of the smart Id Card.
• A South African Police Clearance Certificate from SAPS not older than six months at the time of submission as at 1st January 2019.
• A current letter of employment in a South African school if not in final year of study.
• R50 administration fee.
• If still studying, a Copy* of current proof of registration from a Higher Education Institution (HEI) indicating the enrolled Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme and academic year together with a copy* of academic record* (post 1st year of study). Proof of registration should state that you are currently enrolled for the academic year, be on the university letterhead, stamped and dated. Internet printouts will not be accepted.
• IF THE QUALIFICATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED a Copy of the qualification certificate AND a copy* of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion is required before full registration and a SACE certificate can be issued.
• Certification must be done by a Commissioner of Oaths
• State that the copy is a true copy of the original, have a date stamp and not be older than three (3) months at the time of submission.
• Certification must be original (copy of certification will not be accepted)
Music and fine Arts
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Lecturers
Community Education and Training Centers (CETC’s) Practitioners --- ABET & AET
Therapists (Current proof of registration is a requirement. Note that only a registration card from HPCSA will be accepted as proof of registration.)
Sports teachers employed in sports school only. (Not sports coaches). Physical
A request for an update for a provisional registration with conditions must be accompanied by the following documents for both SA and Non- SA citizens:
• A copy of the SACE provisional letter
• Copy of the green barcoded ID book smart card (both side of the card must be attached)
• A South African Police Clearance Certificate from SAPS not older than six months at the time of submission as at 1st January 2019 for SA Citizens.
• Current proof of registration from a Higher Education Institution (HEI) for a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) together with a copy* of academic record* (post 1st year of study). Proof of registration should state that you are currently enrolled for the academic year, be on the university letterhead, stamped and dated. Internet printouts will not be accepted.
• R50. administration fee.
• A copy of the SACE provisional letter
• Copy* of a valid passport and a valid work permit (The conditions of the work permit must allow the permit holder to teach in South Africa) OR
• a Refugee permit together with a Refugee ID (expiry dates must correspond on both documents) OR
• A valid passport and a valid Permanent Residence Permit from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).
• NB: A permit must be valid for six months or more at the time of submission.
• A copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
• A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer indicating the phase and subject to be taught. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
• Current proof of registration from a Higher Education Institution (HEI) for a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) together with a copy* of academic record* (post 1st year of study). Proof of registration should state that you are currently enrolled for the academic year, be on the university letterhead, stamped and dated. Internet printouts will not be accepted.
• R50. administration fee.
• Certification must be done by a Commissioner of Oaths,
• State that the copy is a true copy of the original,
• have a date stamp and not be older than three (3) months at the time of submission.
• Certification must be original (copy of certification will not be accepted)
4.4 Waldorf Educators
In the future, the issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. An original certified copy* of a Waldorf * Qualifications certificate together with a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has being completed.
6. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer indicating the phase and subjects to be taught. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
4.5 Islamic Educators
In the future, the issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. Original certified copy* of Islamic* Qualifications certificate recognised for registration with the Council.
6. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer indicating the phase and subjects to be taught. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.
4.6 Religious Educators
In the future, the issued SACE letter will indicate qualification, phase and subjects specialisation: all qualifications will be verified against the SAQA qualification and unit standards.
1. A fully completed original application form.
2. An original certified copy* of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:
• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)
• National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4
• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)
3. An original certified copy* of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).
4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be clearly visible.
5. An original certified copy* of a completed Degree or Diploma (Certificate) in Theology* .
6. An original certified copy* of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and year of completion.
7. A current letter of recommendation from a prospective employer indication the phase and subjects to be taught. The letter should be an original, on the letterhead, stamped and signed.